Healing Circle

Think never of the body. Healing is

The thought of unity. Forget all things

That seem to separate. Your brother’s pain

Has but one remedy; the same as yours.

He must be whole, because he joins with you,

And you are healed, because you join with him.

What are Healing Circles?

Healing Circles are a way for individuals to give and receive healing based on A Course in Miracles. Circles meet remotely or in person.

Each Healing Circle has a leader who has taken a course on Course-based healing from the Circle of Atonement. The leader might be joined by other long-term members who want to give Course-based healing. Healing Circles, however, are open to all. Anyone who needs healing can attend once, sporadically, or regularly, without being a student of A Course in Miracles.

What is Course-based healing?

A Course in Miracles is a spiritual path in which we learn to distinguish what is real from what is unreal, and this distinction is the basis of healing. The Course teaches that all sickness is the manifestation of a deep-seated belief that we are separate, sinful, and guilty, a belief that the Course calls the ego. However, the Course also teaches that sickness is unreal, the body is unreal, and the ego itself unreal. If the healer can truly look beyond these to the other person’s reality as healed, whole, and indeed divine, this can spark a healing in that person’s mind, which will then manifest in the body or in the person’s circumstances.

What the healer does is captured perfectly in this sentence:

He overlooks the mind and body, seeing only the face of Christ shining in front of him, correcting all mistakes and healing all perception.


Here is a diagram that illustrates this process:

Attend a Healing Circle

The Gift of Lilies Healing Circle is held every Saturday at 8.00pm UK / 3.00 pm ET for a duration of 30-45 mins. All participation is free of charge.

Please register below for the Zoom link.