How my journey began.

It was in 2016, right after the birth of our second son, that I entered into a marital crisis. As my world came crumbling down, I felt deep pain and sorrow and mostly I blamed myself for it. My mother who is spiritual guided me to the book Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and thus my spiritual journey was begun.

After many years of reading spiritual texts and practising those concepts in daily life, I took up the role of a spiritual teacher at It is my excitement to learn and teach profound spiritual concepts, to bring them out into the world in a way they can be easily applied and to witness miracles in people’s lives as a result.

Why life coaching?

In 2021, I lost my job of 16 years in IT. I used this opportunity to get a certification in Life Coaching by Evercoach. I found myself undergoing an identify shift, from being a private self to becoming a shared being. This meant I was increasingly starting to consider each person as a part of me. In my identity as a shared being, I am not fully satisfied as long as there are parts of me (i.e. my brothers and sisters) that are in pain, sorrow or imprisonment. It is as if their gain is my gain and their loss is my loss.

In this world, nobody imprisons anybody. Only we imprison ourselves. This is often hard to realise because it is far easier to choose victimhood and blame it all on the outside. My goal is to help people realise that they are not at the mercy of the world and that there are no problems that cannot be solved with a little bit of right-mindedness.

What People Are Saying


I have met therapists in the past more than once, but YOU are of such a high quality, high levels of consciousness and amazing potentials..... I see you having your own therapy-center and full time self-employed as a therapist, coach and teacher !!

Jane, Switzerland

Coming soon!



Coming soon!


Coming soon!



Life Coach by Evercoach

February, 2022

Every good coach hopes to give his clients so much of his own thinking that they will one day no longer need him. This is the one real goal of the parent, teacher, and coach.

Let’s talk

No matter what your life’s challenges, you are not alone.

There are ways of treating others in which only consistent courtesy, even in very little things, is offered. All God’s children are fully worthy of complete courtesy.